Monday, October 24, 2005


Sorry if everyone thought I dropped off the face of the Earth. I've been sick for the last two weeks and I feel just BLAH! For two weekends I did absolutely nothing! I read some and made a few cards and that's it. I ate lots of toast because heating up soup was too much work. Luckily, Matt took care of me and made me lots of hot tea, listened to me coughing, and slept on the couch with Random a few nights so he wouldn't disturb me if I finally was able to sleep.

Ah--I was hoping I would bypass the normal cold and flu season, but hopefully this will be it for the year. Now it's off to try to get through another day at work whilst wishing I was home in bed! Can you believe it--I've been up since 5am and now it's almost time for me to leave for work and I haven't even showered. Off I go!

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